Color Ratio
As charts are created on a case by case basis, the ratio of different colours you choose and how they can generate different visual outcomes is important to consider. Whilst we do recommend you choose a variety of contrasting colours for maximum impact, please use the pie chart below to help you ensure your charts contain the correct colour ratio to correctly and consistently represent Smartkarma’s brand.

A couple of tips to note:
- Chartbuilder has been created to streamline your on-brand chart building – always use it wherever possible
- Remember our site is fully responsive, that is, it works just as well on a mobile phone as does on a desktop computer. Therefore, always make sure you take into consideration how your chart will look on both large and small devices
- Please make sure you update your Office Suite theme to include our 2016 Corporate Colours
- If you haven’t created the chart yourself please credit the source so there can be no ambiguity as to whether you are on-brand or way off-brand!
Examples of charts using correct colour ratios

Examples of charts using incorrect colour ratios
As you can see from these charts below, despite the fact the colours used are from our specified corporate colours for charts, the look and feel is not inline with our brand.